Christmas Dinner postponed

Dear Fellow Members of The Irish-Austrian Society,

I hope this e-mail finds all of you and your loved ones keeping safe and well.

As you are aware by now, there is an increasingly dangerous situation evolving around the Covid-19 infection rate here in Ireland, as well as in Austria and elsewhere. Both the Irish Government and NPHET are warning that a surge is imminent, and they are asking the public to limit socialising and to multiply their efforts in avoiding infection and possibilities for its spread. In response to this, some clubs and societies have already postponed planned events for the next five weeks, and more are following suit. A general mood of voluntary limitation on socialising is already gaining ground.

Having considered the overall situation as it is currently evolving, and the advice of NPHET and the Government, as well as the concerns expressed to me by some of our members, I have consulted my fellow Committee members and the consensus is that we should postpone the IAS Annual Dinner until a much safer and more favourable time, hopefully in March or April 2022.

All of us had been looking forward so much to the occasion, and while we are greatly disappointed in having to postpone it, I think you will agree that we have made a prudent and responsible decision. Furthermore, we can take some comfort in knowing that we should be able to hold the event on a fine Spring evening as soon as the current crisis has abated. Meanwhile, let us remember our relatives and friends in Austria who are experiencing greater difficulties at this time, and wish them well !

Wishing all of you and your loved ones continued good health, pleasant comforts and safety from contagion,

Alles Gute,
Declan M. Downey