Persephone Choir deliver outstanding Concert at Dublin St. Stephen's Church
On Saturday afternoon The Irish Austrian Society welcomed the Persephone Choir from Vienna to give their second performance of their 2023 Ireland Tour. The first concert took place in Clifton Galway the day before.
St. Stephen's Church in the heart of Dublin proved to be an outstanding venue with excellent acoustics for a choir concert. In front of an audience of mostly Society Members and friends, the Persephone choir directed by Conductor David Ricardo Salazar, delivered an outstanding musical performance.
The repertoire included classic pieces like 'Die Forelle' from Franz Schubert and 'Im Grünen' from Felix Mendelssohn Bertholdy as well contemporary works like 'Cantate Domino' from Karl Jenkins and 'Heast as net' from Hubert von Goisern. All this was topped off with a favourite Viennese song 'Wien, du Stadt meiner Träume', composed by Rudolf Sieczynski for a film with the same name in 1957.
The Society wish to thank the Chor Persephone for the opportunity to host this concert in Dublin